The University has established a relationship of membership with Advanced Higher Education Academy HEA which an institution based in the UK. Kingdom University (KU) is undertaking a program with HEA that will result in and do the conviction of Senior Management at KU that they should continue developing its academic staff.
Undertaking this membership was aimed to work with Advance HEA jointly to deliver ‘Teaching Skills Masterclass’ to twenty members (Stage 1) of Kingdom University’s staff in one visit’. Stage 2 will cover all other academics who teach Arabic programs which are anticipated to take place afterward. The reason for this was to work on the capacity building of our academic staff. The target was also, to help our academic staff to get the “Fellowship” and build up their learning
and teaching skills. Twenty Faculties were involved at this stage
During their visit, the Advance HE delivered training and coaching on preparing and applying for HEA Fellowship. All instruction and HEA Fellowship draft applications and final applications were presented in English. The training program covered the following; Learning and teaching, Curriculum Design, Monitoring, Assessment Feedback, Learning and teaching in the 21st century, and planning for HEA Fellowship Continuation of planning for HEA Fellowship.
Staff development unit arranged for a shared folder to help academic staff in getting the required information for developing their fellowship applications. A senior member Prof Saad Darwish was assigned to help academic staff and he acted as a mentor during the period of their preparations facilitating the process.